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Saturday 24 September 2022

Complete Pitra Tarpan Mantras

Shradh is a symbol of true reverence for the ancestors. The rituals which are performed with devotion for the sake of the ancestors are called Shradh. After invocation, worship and salutations in Shradh ceremony, tarpan is performed. Putting milk , barley , rice , sandalwood in the water is used in tarpan work. If you can get the Ganges watershould also be put. Offerings are made for satisfaction. Self-satisfied souls are not satisfied with any object, food or wear, etc., because physical equipment is needed for the gross body only. After death, the gross body ends, only the subtle body remains. The subtle body does not need hunger, thirst, cold and heat, etc., no matter of its satiation, there can be no food or suitable equipment for the flesh and body. Thought, consciousness and emotion predominate in the subtle body, therefore only the conscience or environment made up of excellent emotions in it is peaceful.

direction and inspiration

In this visible world, as the gross body gets pleasure in the fulfillment of sense enjoyment, lust, craving and ego, similarly the subtle body of ancestors experiences satisfaction by tasting the fragrance produced by good deeds. The central point of his happiness and aspiration is faith. In the presence of an environment full of reverence, the ancestors lose their peace and feel bliss, faith is their hunger, due to which they get satisfaction. Therefore, for the happiness of the ancestors, reverence and tarpan are performed. The law and order of these activities is so simple and of such low cost that even the poorest of the poor can perform them easily. Water is mainly used in Tarpan. To make it a little fragrant and nutritious, two or four auspicious things like barley, sesame, rice, milk, flowers are added. With the help of Kushas, ​​the ancestors are satisfied by simply pouring a small anjali of barley with the help of a mantra. But with this action the necessary reverence, gratitude, goodwill, love, good wishes must be coordinated. If the obeisance is done with these feelings, then the purpose of the tarpan will be fulfilled, the ancestors will get the necessary satisfaction, but if no such reverence feeling is there in the mind of the person doing the tarpan and only the water here and there by beating the streak. If it is spread, then no special purpose will be fulfilled for so long, so the performers of these Pitra-karmas should keep in mind that along with performing these small actions, remember the blessings of the departed souls, their virtues. And show faith in good deeds.[1] Keep a feeling of gratitude and respect towards him and feel that he is offering flowers of my goodwill at the feet of the heavenly souls, expressing his reverence, with non-knocking instruments like Jalanjali. The stronger such feelings, the greater will be the satisfaction of the ancestors. The main purpose of the post-mortem rites is to express gratitude for the favors done by the ancestor who has become self-respect, to be ready to fulfill his unfulfilled family and social responsibilities and to mold his personality and environment in a benevolent framework. Home purification, the purpose of sutak retirement is also done for this purpose, but not only for this one ancestor in tarpan, his family , mother 's family, grandmother who passed away in the past.The fulfillment of the ancestors of three generations of the family is also organized. Not only this, on this occasion, an attempt is made to satisfy the souls of all the great men who have descended on this earth by expressing their goodwill. Tarpan is divided into six parts-

  1. worship of gods
  2. sage-tarpan
  3. divine-man-tarpan
  4. divine parenting
  5. yama-tarpan
  6. human parentage
Devotees performing Shradh rites

Dev Taparnam

Dev Shaktis are those great personalities of God, who are always selflessly striving for the welfare of human beings. Free souls of water, air, sun, fire, moon, electricity and the incarnated God parts and the good tendencies like learning, intelligence, power, talent, compassion, kindness, happiness, purity come in all the divine powers. Although they are not visible, yet they have infinite benefits. If they are not benefited, then it is not possible for a human to survive. This deity-tarpan is performed to express the feeling of gratitude towards them. The host should wear holy in the ring fingers of both hands. Om Agachhantu Mahabhagaah, Vishvedeva Mahabalah. Ye taparnetra vihitah, Be careful Put rice in water. Take kush-motak directly. Keep the Yagyopaveet Savya (on the left shoulder) in the normal position. At the time of tarpan, fill the water in Anjali and offer it with the help of the tip of all the fingers. This is called Devtirtha Mudra. Pour one anjali water for each deity. Let's go facing east.

Om brahmadayo deva: aagachhantu grhanantu etan jalanjaleen.
Om Brahma Tripyatam.
Chandansi Tripyantam.
Om Samvatsara: Savayvastripyantam.
Om Devyastripyantam.
Parvata Stripyantam.
Rakshasansi Tripyantam.
Bhutani Tripyantam.
Bhootgram: Chaturvirdhastrupyantam.

Rishi Tarpan

The second tarpan is for the sages. Reverence for sages like Vyasa , Vasistha , Yajnavalkya , Katyayana , Atri , Jamadagni , Gautam , Vishwamitra , Narada , Charaka , Sushruta , Panini , Dadhichi etc. is expressed by the sage Tarpan. Like the deities, the rishis are also given water every one of the anjali from the Devtirtha.

Om marichyadi dasharishayah aagachhantu grhanantu etanjalanjaleen.
Angira: Truptam.

divine-man sacrifice

The third tarpan is for divine human beings. Those who could not devote their entire life for the welfare of the people, but kept on sacrificing themselves and their family members more and more for the welfare of the people, they are divine human beings. Great men like Raja Harishchandra , Rantidev , Shiva , Janak , Pandava , Shivaji , Maharana Pratap , Bhamashah , Tilak fall in this category. The divine human tarpan is performed north-facing. Put barley in water. threadKeep it like a garland. Put the kush in your hands. Water is given from the middle of the Kushas. Filling water in Anjali and releasing water from the root of the little finger, it is called Prajapatya Tirtha Mudra. Give water to two Anjali with each speech.

Om Sanakadayah Divyamanavah Agachhantu Grihanantu Etanjalanjaleen.

divine parenting

The fourth tarpan is for divine ancestors. Whoever could not do public service and austerity, but maintain his character ideal in every respect, he should not be allowed to suffer any kind of harm. The wealth of imitation, tradition and prestige was left behind. Such people are also worshipable for human beings, their tarpan should also be done with reverence like sages and divine human beings. For this, face south. Keep Vamjanu (sit with the left knee bent) and Janeu Apasavya (in the opposite position on the right shoulder). Do the kusha double. Put sesame seeds in water. Take water in Anjali and pour water with the help of thumb of right hand. This is called Pitru Teerth Mudra. Offer three-three Anjali water to each Pitru.

Om Kavyavadadayo Divyapitarah Aagachhantu Grihanantu Ethan Jalanjalin.
poetry. Idam satilam jalam (Gangajalam va) tasmai swadha namah॥3॥
Om Somastrupyatam, Idam Satilam Jalam (Gangajalam Va) Tasmai Swadha Namah3॥
Om Yamastrupyatam, Idam Satilam Jalam (Gangajalam Va) Tasmai Swadha Namah3॥
Ayarma Strupytam. Idam satilam jalam (Gangajalam va) tasmai swadha namah॥3॥
Agnishvatta: Pitrastrupyatam. Idam Satilam Jalam (Gangajalam Va) Tebhyah Swadha Namah3॥
Om Sompa: Pitrastrupyatam. Idam Satilam Jalam (Gangajalam Va) Tebhyah Swadha Namah3॥
Om Bahirshad: Pitrastrupyatam. Idam Satilam Jalam (Gangajalam Va) Tebhyah Swadha Namah3॥

yama tarpan

Yamas are the controlling forces. Yama is the power that arranges birth and death. Remember death, do not have to repent at the time of death, keep this in mind and determine your activities in the same way, then it should be understood that the tarpan which pleases Yama is being performed. The state government is also called Yama. In order to make his government fit and healthy, the duty of every citizen, which he performs, is also remembered by Yama Tarpan. The master of his senses and the one who prevents him from following the wrong path is called Yama. It is the duty of every emotional person to continue to strengthen it continuously. These duties are remembered by Yama-Tarpan. Like Divya Pitru Tarpan, three waters of Anjali from Pitrutirth are also offered to Yamas.

Om Yamadichtudarsadeva: aagachhantu grhanantu etan jalanjalin.
Om Yamay Namah॥3॥
Om Dharmrajaya Namah॥3॥
Mrityave Namah3॥
Om Antakaya Namah॥3॥
Vaivasvataya Kalaya Namah॥ 3॥
Om Sarbhutakshayaya Namah॥3॥
Om audumbrai namah॥3॥
Dadhnaya Namah॥3॥
Om nilaya namah॥3॥
Om Parmeshthine Namah॥3॥
Om Vrikodaraya Namah॥3॥
Chitraya Namah॥3॥
Chitraguptaya Namah॥3॥

Thereafter, salute the deity Yama with the following mantras-

Yamay Dharmarajaya, Mrityave Chantakaya Ch.
Vaivasvataya Kalaya, Sarvbhutakshayaya Ch.
Audumbaraya Dadhnaya, Nilaya Parameshthine.
Vrikodaraya Chitraya, Chitraguptay Vai Namah॥

human parentage

After this comes the sequence of the deceased men and women related to their family.

  1. Father, Baba, ParBaba, Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother.
  2. Grandfather, great-grandfather, old maternal grandfather, grandmother's great-grandmother, old grandmother.
  3. Wife, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, maternal uncle, brother, aunt, aunt, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, guru, gurupatani, disciple, friend etc.

These three genealogies are for Tarpan. First Swagotra Tarpan is performed-

Gotrotpannah asmat pitarah aagachhantu grhnantu etan jalanjaleen.
Asmatpita (Father) Amuksama Amukasgotro Vasurupastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatpitamaha (Grandfather) Amukashmaar Amukasgotro Rudrarupastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatprapitamaha (great-grandfather) amukashmaar amukasagotro vasurupastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmanmata (Mother) Amuki Devi da Amuk Sagotra Gayatrirupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatpitamahi (Grandmother) Amuki Devi Da Amuk Sagotra Savitrirupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatpratpitamahi (great-grandmother) Amuki Devi da Amuk Sagotra Lakshmirupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatsapatanamata (Stepmother) Amuki Devi da Amuk Sagotra Vasurupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥

Other Tarpan

second gotra tarpan

After this, do the tarpan of the second gotra Matamah etc. Here also, like before, after reading the following sentences three times, give three anjalis of water along with sesame seeds from Pitrutirth and-

Asmanmatamahah (Nana) amukasharma amukasagotro vasurupastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatpramatamaha (Parr-Nana) Amukashmaar Amukasgotro Rudrarupastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmadvriddhapramatamaha (old grandfather) Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmanmatamahi (Nani) Amuki Devi da Amuk Sagotra Lakshmirupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatpramatamahi (Parnani) Amuki Devi da Amuk Sagotra Rudrarupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Asmadvriddhapramatamahi (old great-grandmother) Amuki Devi da Amuk Sagotra Adityarupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥

extra tarpan

Tarpan should be done only for those who are necessary.

Asmatpatani Amuki Devi da Amuk Sagotra Vasurupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatsutah (son) Amukashamar Amukasagotro Vasurupastrupyatam. Idam amuki devi da amuk sagotra vasurupa tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatkanyaah (Daughter) Amuki Devi da Amuk Sagotra Vasurupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatpitrivyah (uncle) amukashamar amukasagotro vusroopastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmanmatulah (uncle) amukashmaar amukasgotro vusroopastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmadbhrata (his brother) amukashama amukasagotro vusroopastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatsapatanabharata (half-brother) amuksamaam amukasagotro vusrupastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatpitrbhagini (aunt) Amuki Devi da Amuk Sagotra Vasurupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Asmanmatribhagini (aunt) Amuki Devi da Amuk Sagotra Vasurupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Asmadatmabhagini (his sister) Amuki Devi da Amuk Sagotra Vasurupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatsapatanabhagini (Step-Sister) Amuki Devi da Amuk Sagotra Vasurupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Asmad svasurah (father-in-law) amukashmaar amukasagotro vasurupastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmad swashurpatani (mother-in-law) amuki devi da amuk sagotra vasurupa tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Asmadguru amukashmaar amukasgotro vasurupastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmad Acharyapatani Amuki Devi Da Amuk Sagotra Vasurupa Tripyatam. Idam satilam jal tasai swadha namah॥3॥
Asmat disciple: amukashmaar amukasagotro vasurupastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmatsakha amukshamar amukasgotro vasurupastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmad aaptapurushah (honorable man) amuksamaam amukasgotro vasurupastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥
Asmad husband: amukshamar amukasgotro vasurupastrupyatam. Idam satilam jalam tasmay swadha namah॥3॥

Before the following mantra, leave the water stream for the satisfaction of the living being by the method-

Om Devasurastatha Yaksha, Naga Gandhavarrakshasa. Pishaka Guhyakaah Siddhaah, Kushmandastravah Khagaah.
Jalechara Bhunilia, Vayvadharashch Jantavah. Pritimete Prayantvashu, Maddattenambunakhilah.
Narakeshu Samasteshu, tortures like this situation. Teshamapayanaayatad, diyate salilam maya
Ye Bandhva, Bandhva Va, Yeh Nyajanmani Bandhwah. Te sever thriptimayanthu, ye chasmattoyakankshinah. Abrahmastambpayarantam, devashirpitrmanavah. Tripyantu pitarah sever, matri-ma-ma-dayah.
Anitkulkotinam, Saptadvipanivasinam. Abrahmbhuvanallokad, idamastu tilodakam. Ye Bandhva, Bandhva Va, Yeh Nyajanmani Bandhwah. Te sever triptimayanthu, maya datten varina

garment execution

Dip a clean cloth in water and bring it out while reciting the mantra and squeeze that cloth on the ground on your left side with a disorientation. [2]

Ye ke chasmatkule jaata, aputra gotrino mritaah.
Te grihanantu maya dattam, vastranishpidnodakam.

Bhishma Tarpan

In the end, Bhishma Tarpan is performed. Bhishma is considered to be his representative, such a virtuous great human being, who did not tempt to run his lineage for higher purposes, give water to all such elevated souls-

^ Vayaghrapadgotraya, Sankritipravaraya Ch.
Gangaputraya Bhishmay, Pradasyeऽham Tilodakam॥
Aputraya Dadamyetat, Salilam Bhishmavamarne.

Monday 15 June 2020

The connection between breath and thought

When we breathe in, it generates new thoughts
When we breathe out the thought goes away.
When we breathe in again and we continue to have the same thought, it means the breath we took is partially or fully wasted.

This is because at the point where the inhale changes to exhale, or the exhale changes to inhale, the moment the switch over takes place, thoughtlessness should prevail in order to convert the oxygen into prana. The more thought preoccupy us, the faster our breathing gets in order to get more pranic energy. This is the reason why a person with lot of things in his mind breathes heavily even at rest.
When there is no thought, maximum amount of air we breathe in/out gets converted into pranic energy, Hence a person who has no thoughts in his mind breathes very lightly.

Thoughts are like clouds in the moonlit sky, they come and go. Sometimes we can see the moon and then again another cloud comes and covers of direct visual connection to the moon. 

The lesser the thoughts cloud our vision, the more time we get to see the moon clearly.

A completely thoughtless mind will breathe so lightly that it can even be considered as not breathing at all. 

The mind is like a lake of water, when there is no wind there are no waves at all. Only at that time we can see what lies at the bottom of the lake.

In order to connect to our higher self (the real me) one need to be thoughtless for 45 minutes. Once this is achieved a permanent link is established with the spiritual dimension which remains active for this lifetime.

The only thing that is common for all spiritual practices is to remain thoughtless during meditation. For only this purpose, lots of spiritual gurus and seekers have created various techniques. Most of the techniques work based on faith, and believing that the technique works. The only reason why they work is because the seeker has started walking the road.

This is the connection between breath and thought.

In order experience enlightenment, only these 2 interrelated things are important. Rest of the processes and methods shown may vary among Gurus.

Take some time for yourself. Sit and focus on your breathing. Feel the air entering your body through your nose, then stopping for a moment and then flowing out of the body, then again stopping for reversal and repeats the same process. 
Become aware of your breathing, feel every aspect, in minute details. 
Imagine the air is filled with energy as it flows in. At the turning point the energy enters your body and the all the wastes are given off back into the air. During exhale the wastes are being thrown out.

Start showing some respect to the pranic energy, inhale gently, let the energy soak in, then exhale a bit faster to get rid of the wastes. Start breathing in 3:2 inhale to exhale ratio and feel the difference.

Try your own ways to observe your own breathing.

Once you are acquainted with your breathing process, it's energy flow, the next process is to observe your thoughts. 

Watch your thoughts as they come and go in your mind. Do not get carried away, just observe them. If you get carried away focus on your breathing until the emotion generated by the thought is no longer catching you. 

Imagine yourself watching a movie in a theatre. There are scenes of anger, hate, love, sorrow, pain. But you know that this is just a movie and all characters are actors. So are you in this life and all the emotions are nothing but movie scenes. So don't let them grip you. Keep watching them and slowly the thoughts will pass.

From the moment you start letting go your thoughts, they slowly stop coming to you. There is no effort needed, nothing to focus on. It is plain and simple rejection of emotion arising from the thoughts which causes them to stop coming to you.

Slowly your mind attains the thoughtless state. There is a feeling of immense peace and this also gives happiness. Also in the thoughtless state our body gets fully charged with pranic energy and no energy is being wasted. Hence our breathing also slows down. 

If we remain in this state for 45 minutes a connection open up with our higher self.

The longer we continue to be in this state, due to the abundance of prana our body heals much faster, our DNA repairs itself, our overall health improves. If we are already in good health, our breathing stops during this state.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Complete Process for Nirmal Kriya


Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti

Preparatory Steps

(1) Choose minimum 30 min. of free time (recommended time is 1.5 hours, where full Kriya process may take about 45 min. and another 45 min. for meditation) daily when your stomach is empty and mind is relaxed. Early morning before breakfast or after returning from work (and taking a shower) are best times.

(2) Stand on your feet, keeping your spine straight and chin little up. Place both your palms together (right palm on top of the left) on your naval

(3) Press your stomach/naval with hands and EXHALE completely & forcefully through your nose (mouth should be closed)

(4) Release your hands pressure on naval area, INHALE FULL through nose. Let the air go directly to your tummy area (not chest). The tummy will look like a balloon.

(5) Again press with your hands to EXHALE completely. And repeat the process.

(6) The INHALE will be little longer than EXHALE. Inhale & exhale will be in 3:2 ratio. If we inhale for 3 sec, exhale should only 2 sec long. In this way 1 cycle of inhale & exhale will be of (3+2 =) 5 sec. This is called stomach breathing (SB). Practice it few times, as normally we breathe through chest, not stomach

1.       108 Stomach Breathing (To enhance cellular vibrancy)

SB = Stomach Breathing

Normal SB #1 to 25: Do SB at 12 cycles per minute. That means each cycle (inhale + exhale) will be approx. 5 sec. Total 25 SB will take little more than 2 min.

Faster SB #26 to 50: Do SB at 18 cycles per minute. That means each cycle (inhale + exhale) will be approx. 3.33 sec. Total 25 SB will take about 1.5 min.

Very Fast SB #51 to 100: Do SB at 36 cycles per minute. That means each cycle (inhale + exhale) will be approx. 1.67 sec. Total 50 SB will take about 1.5 min.

Very Slow SB #101 to 108: Do SB at 6 cycles per minute. That means each cycle (inhale + exhale) will be approx. 10 sec. Total 8 SB will take about 1.5 min.

TOTAL 108 SB will take less than 7 minutes to complete. Be silent, close your eyes and feel the vibrations within your body for next few minutes.

2.       NIRMAL KRIYA: 49 Healing Breaths (to activate Chakras)

Pray to your own deity (who you follow and believe, if you are an atheist pray to your own soul / higher power) with pranam (put both palms together and let thumbs touch your forehead). Close your eyes and chant "OM" for 3 times. Then seat for Nirmal Kriya. Make sure your spinal chord is VERTICALLY STRAIGHT UP and face little up during Kriya. You can seat on the ground or on a chair, as you feel comfortable.

There will be total 7 cycles of 7 breaths (inhale & exhale) i.e., 49 healing breaths (49 HB). This 49 HB to be practiced each for 5 external mudras, to invoke panch prana. So there will be 5 sets of 49 HB = 245 breaths total.

SET-1: Keep your hands in Prana Mudra and start first cycle of 7 breaths (inhale & exhale) with internal mudras as mentioned below:

Relax for few minutes, keep your eyes closed and experience the energy (prana) within.

SET-2: Change hands to Apana Mudra, take 49 HB with internal mudras, relax for few minutes.
SET-3: Change hands to Samana Mudra, take 49 HB with internal mudras, relax for few minutes.
SET-4: Change hands to Udana Mudra, take 49 HB with internal mudras, relax for few minutes.
SET-5: Change hands to Vyana Mudra, take 49 HB with internal mudras, go into meditation.

External mudras and their respective hand positions (both hands w.r.t. body) are shown below:

Panch Pranas
Panch Pranas - Various Mudras

Prana: next to shoulders

Apana: on the knees

Samana: in front of naval

Udana: next to shoulders

Vyana: in front of chest

3.       How to Meditate

After completion of “KRIYA” session i.e., 108 Stomach Breathing and/or 49 Healing Breaths it is recommended to go directly into Meditation.

Then seat in meditation keeping palms on your knees in “CHIN MUDRA” (pointing finger should touch tip of thumb forming a circle, other 3 fingers extended out, palm facing upside). Make sure your spinal chord is VERTICALLY STRAIGHT UP during meditation.

Meditation Method:

Observe your breathing at every moment, how it enters your body (inhale), when it makes a pause (turning point), then starts going out (exhale), at the end of exhalation stops again to return to inhalation, etc. Be aware exactly when the ‘turning point’ happens.

Be fully alert during meditation. Listen to all sounds around you (say noise of traffic, sound of a pump, birds chirping, etc. anything that you can catch), listen to any feeling within your body (say, something happening in stomach, sensation of cold/hot, etc.). Even at this mode you can hear/feel your own heart beat also.

Detach yourself from the thoughts passing through your mind. Be observer to your thoughts, rather than carried away with any thought. Observe with full attention to the thoughts without any judgment or labeling (whether the content of the thought is good, bad, important, embarrassing, etc.). You will realize under attentive watch the number of thoughts per minute is reducing. Then try to see where one thought ‘ends’. After the ‘end’ try to assess the ‘gap’ till a new thought ‘starts’ coming in. Now try to be aware of the ‘gaps’ only. Then in due course the ‘gap’ will start expanding, try to be in the ‘gap’ and enjoy “No thought state”.

Meditate as long as you enjoy and time permits. Start with 5 or 10 minutes each session and then try to gradually increase the time to 45 min or 1 hour. You may set an alarm clock if you like to. Purpose is to be in “No thought state” for min. 43 minutes which triggers “God Spot” in the brain. This is to be achieved only once in a life time (not daily). Thereafter it will be like a broad band connection with your “Inner Guru” / soul for 24 hours without any effort. Then all your actions will be guided by higher intelligence, not mind.

Once you like to come out of meditation. Pranam once again to your deity, to express gratitude & thankfulness. Rub your palms together, place them on your closed eyes for 10 sec., remove hands from your eyes and move them around your face and body (like what we do during bathing), slowly open your eyes, get up from your seat. That completes your meditation.

God Bless You !

Rishi Pragyanand Anubhuti