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Friday 2 August 2013

The variations of Gunas

“Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevayah”

Every living being contains all Three Gunas. Only varies is their proportion. Even a single person can have different proportion of these Gunas at different point of time. Three Gunas effects every actions and every action done in turn changes the proportion of these Gunas. So both the Gunas and actions done by human put mirror effects on each other.

Even more interesting is to know that the proportion of Satvik, Rajasa and Tamasa Gunas varies over the period of time. A person who is Satvik at one time may still turn to be dominated with Rajasa Guna at some other time he changes his lifestyle. This variation of Guna is not only with respect to the time, but also among different elements of Gunas. A person may have few elements from Satvik, but can still have some element of Rajasa and yet some from Tamasa Guna. Even change in the weather,tempratuure and/or place can change the proportion of Gunas in human. At give point of time, the dominance Gunas is visible.
In short there is variations of Guna in our body, This very fact has been very categorically specified by merciful Lord, Bhagvan Shri Krishna.

Please find this refence:
rajas tamas cabhibhuya sattvam bhavati bharata
rajah sattvam tamas caiva tamah sattvam rajas tatha

O Bharata! There is always a fight for supremacy among the three modes of nature. Overpowering the mode of passion and ignorance, the mode of passion and of ignorance, the mode of goodness becomes apparent. Overpowering the mode of goodness and of ignorance, the mode of passion becomes apparent and overpowering the mode of passion and mode of goodness, the mode of ignorance becomes apparent.
We have noticed many a time, a human behaves nice at one point of time but angry at other time. He might be very enthusiastic at one time but lazy at other time. All such changes are the sign of changing the ratio of three Gunas in our body. When Satvik Guna is dominant, human behavior shines, he show love and compassion. When Rajasik Guna is dominant, Human shows lot of passion and emotions and when Tamasik Guna is dominant human may show laziness, non interest, anger, depression etc.
The truth for all of us to understand is that, we must know these variations in us and should not be hopeless. The tamas Gunas can be controlled by acquiring the methods, habbits, foods and satvik actions.We all should try to put our inclination to move towards Satvik Guna. This way we would always move towards happiness and peace.

Hope this post would help you understand the variations in your everyday life.

“Shri Hari Om Tat Sat”

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